Christian Vision and Values

Christian Vision and Values

Our school vision is that we ‘use whatever gift we have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms’ (Peter 4:10) - we are able to summarise this quote with our motto ‘Nurturing Every Talent’. 

Our school vision links directly to our Trust vision of ‘BRING IT!’ which is theologically underpinned by the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25). 

We believe that God has bestowed unique gifts, or talents, to every member of our school community. Some of our gifts have been found, others have yet to be found. Our experiences, including learning, pastoral and adventure, allow us to nurture our gifts. 

Our aim as a school community is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where each child is enabled to flourish in all areas of their lives. 

Our Christian Values

As a proud member of the St Barnabas Church of England Multi Academy Trust, we share three core christian values:

BRING Creativity

BRING Friendship

BRING Courage

In addition, as a school, and through stakeholder consultation, we have also adopted the following three values: 

BRING Perseverance


BRING Respect

Each value is clearly underpinned by theology which is reflected upon in Collective Worship and other teachings throughout the day.