As a Trust we are passionate about the learning adventure beginning in nursery for many of our children. Braddock School is very lucky to have a very unique outdoor nursery offer. Led by the EYFS phase leader, the outdoor nursery staff work together across all the settings to support one another.

Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Children learn to work together problem solving and exploring the outdoor environment. They learn about the natural world, seasons, animals and plants whilst developing physically and emotionally looking after each other.

Counting & Ordering

Drawing & Mark Making


Playing In The Rain

Being Creative


Climbing the Scramble Net

Mud Pies In The Mud Kitchen

Crossing the Rope Bridge

Role Play In The Boat

Maintaining The Paths

Keeping Warm

Weighing Heavy Logs

Traversing the Climbing Wall

Using Pulleys


Making Shapes

Den Building

Sowing Seeds

Chopping Sticks

Watering The Plants

Using Tools

Building Bridges

Telling Stories

Sawing Wood

Hunting Minibeasts

Role Play 

Important Information for Starting Nursery:


Session Times and Funding

The morning session runs from 8:45am until 11.45am. 

The afternoon session runs from 12:15pm until 3:15pm.

Please remember to bring and collect your child on time.

Every three year old is entitled to 15 hours free funding. Some are eligible for 30 hours funding depending on family circumstances. Please see the GOV website for more information on this. 


Funded nursery hours start from the term after a child’s third birthday. The current cost of Nursery hours is £4.87 per hour.